The Ridgeway - 1960s Opal Diamond 18k Gold Cocktail Ring

Capturing the essence of the 1960s flair, this cocktail ring is a symphony of vibrant opals and brilliant diamonds set in rich yellow gold. The central opal, with its kaleidoscope of fiery colors, is framed by a halo of diamonds that add sparkle and depth to the design. Additional opals create a captivating outer ring, each stone alight with an iridescent play of color unique to this gem. The combination of these opulent opals and diamonds, paired with the luxurious yellow gold setting, exemplifies the indulgent spirit of the era's jewelry. This ring is more than a statement piece; it's a treasure, embodying the opulence and boldness of the swinging sixties

Metals: 14-18k gold

Markings: 18k and H A M

Gemstones: Opals - cabochon pear and round cut opals, diamonds
Gemstones measured and graded while set subject to mounting limitations, gemstone weight calculated by formula. Ring photographed with fluorescent lighting to show off full play of color of the opals, colors will vary under different lighting/ on different screens. Color gemstones were not tested for treatments

Ring Size: 5.25

Total Weight: 11.5 grams

Measurements: ring top 23x18.5mm, base of the shank 4mm

Condition: item in very good estate condition

Items Included: a new SOHOJEWELERS ring box
